
9 Mar 2024 – 9 Jun 2024
Through the work of Kathrin Longhurst, Mehwish Iqbal, Angus McDonald and Penny Byrne, Settled/Unsettled explores issues of war and cultural displacement through the lens of asylum-seeker, refugee, and migrant experiences. By investigating the themes of conflict and exile, home and belonging, the exhibition contributes to the movement of empowerment and acceptance.

Through the work of Kathrin Longhurst, Mehwish Iqbal, Angus McDonald and Penny Byrne, Settled/Unsettled explores issues of war and cultural displacement through the lens of asylum-seeker, refugee, and migrant experiences. By investigating the themes of conflict and exile, home and belonging, the exhibition contributes to the movement of empowerment and acceptance.

Leaking like a SIEV (Suspected Illegal Entry Vessel) (2011)
I Heart Nauru (2017)
#EuropaEuropa (series) (2017)